Tooth loss is a common issue that millions of people across the country face. The good news is that missing teeth doesn’t mean that you need to go the rest of your life with gaps in your smile. There are several tooth replacement options out there to help you get your smile back. Dental implants are a preferred option because of their numerous benefits, including that you won’t have any eating restrictions once they fully heal. Here are some summer foods to enjoy and avoid in the meantime.
Before the dental implants have completely fused to your jawbone, it is a good idea to take it easy when it comes to the textures of the foods that you are enjoying. Here are some of the ones that you can enjoy in the meantime:
While your implants are still healing, it is a good idea to stay away from the following:
You can eat pretty much anything you’d like with caution once your implants can completely fused to your jawbone. This includes meat and other meals that are more difficult to chew. If you aren’t quite sure about a food in particular, give your dentist a call. This way, they can give you the best advice for your smile.
You won’t need to limit your menu later on. With a little bit of patients, you’ll be enjoying all your favorite summer foods again in no time!
Dr. Adelina Duka earned her Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from the Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine and her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest. Currently, she is a proud member of the American Dental Association, Massachusetts Dental Society, and Metropolitan District Dental Society. For more information on dental implants or to schedule an appointment at her office in Framingham, visit her website or call (508) 665-2016.