Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, virtually everyone, with the exception of essential workers, is stuck at home to slow down the spread of the virus. Since now you have a little extra free time on your hands, why not take the time to evaluate your oral health? A dentist in Framingham has come up with this checklist of dental care tasks to keep your teeth healthy until your next teeth cleaning.
Sometimes, at the end of the day, you might feel too tired to take two full minutes to clean your teeth. However, this habit is absolutely crucial to your oral health. If you neglect to brush before bed, bacteria can build up in your mouth overnight, increasing your risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease. No matter how sleepy you are, make sure to brush before you hit the sack.
During this quarantine, you should make as few trips to the grocery store as possible, so it’s imperative that when you do go, you select the perfect brush for your needs. Pick one with a head small enough to comfortably fit in your mouth. Additionally, it should have the softest bristles you can find in order to avoid wearing down your enamel and irritating your gums.
Brushing alone only cleans about 60% of the surfaces of your teeth. Fortunately, flossing can easily take care of the rest. Set a reminder on your phone to floss every night. Better yet, set your floss down on your pillow during the day so that you can’t go to bed without being reminded to clean between your teeth.
Sugary drinks like soda, fruit juices, and sports drinks completely bathe your teeth in sugar. Water, on the other hand, rinses leftover food and sugar particles off your teeth, decreasing your risk of cavities. Furthermore, most tap water is fortified with fluoride, which strengthens your teeth.
Most people are guilty of using their teeth to crack open a bottle or open a stubborn piece of packaging. However, this habit can be dangerous to your pearly whites. It can wear down your enamel or even chip or crack your teeth, requiring an emergency trip to your dentist’s office. You’ll want to avoid that if at all possible.
Since most people now have a little more free time, now is as good a time as any to start taking better care of your oral health. Follow the tips listed above, and your teeth and gums should stay in great shape!
Dr. Arvi Duka is a dentist in Framingham, MA who received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in 2001 from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest. He then moved to the US from his native Albania and earned a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from Boston University. He has published in many well-known scientific journals. He is a big proponent of preventive care when it comes to maintaining excellent oral health. To learn more about Dr. Duka, visit his website.